Better Circulation. Better Health. Better Horse.
For the Love of Your Horse. The BEMER Horse-Set
The BEMER Horse-Set has been proven to have a positive impact on your horse’s body. It strengthens your horse’s health in terms of prevention and promotes regeneration after illness. It improves suppleness during training or when preparing for competitions. It can also provide valuable support during the horse healing process, including recovery from muscle tension or tendon/ligament/muscle injury. [1]
- Reduces muscular back pain in horses* [1]
- Improves functional movement in horses* [1]
- Improves microcirculation and vasomotion [2]
- Promotes relaxation and regeneration after exercise [2]
- Supports parasympathetic processes in the body [2]
- Increases physical performance and optimizes suppleness [2]
- Speeds up the recovery process after an injury [3]
- Improves post-recovery and regeneration after surgery [3]
Tiny Vessels. Huge Implications
Microcirculation occurs in the smallest blood vessels, and can’t be observed with the naked eye. Nevertheless, it has a huge effect on the health and performance of your horse. Why? Because it’s here that your horse’s vital metabolic processes take place – cells are supplied with nutrients that enable them to fulfill their tasks- and so metabolic waste products may be removed for disposal. Put simply, healthy microcirculation is essential to your horse’s all-around well-being.
Initial Situation
Reduced vasomotion, slow blood flow, virtually no transport of white blood cells, capillaries are not perfused.
Immediately After the BEMER Therapy
Significantly increased vasomotion, rapid blood flow, virtually needs-based transport increased transport of white blood cells.
World Equestrian Games Team Gold Medalist for Combined Driving
Grand Prix Winning Show Jumper
Equine Dentistry
Holistic Veterinarian
Certified Holistic Equine Therapist & Bodyworker
Testimonials are from BEMER Independent Distributors who may be eligible to earn commissions based upon their sales an/or spokespersons who may have been compensated for their testimony. Individual results may vary and you may not achieve the same results. This device is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease and you should consult your own healthcare provider for any medical issues.

[1.] King, M., Seabaugh, K., Frisbie, D. (2022). Effects of a Bio-Electromagnetic Energy Regulation Blanket on Thoracolumbar Epaxial Muscle Pain in Horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. doi:
[2.] Effects of BEMER physical vascular therapy in horses under training. A randomized, controlled double blind study. Francesca Daia, Emanuela Dalla Costaa, Alessia Giordanoa, c, Eugenio U.L. Heinzla,
Piermario Giongob, Gracia Pagnozzi, Simona Cannasa, Giulietta Minozzia, Michela Mineroa, Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, Universita di Milano (in publication)
[3.] Observations and experiences in the application of a therapy blanket by induction of electromagnetic force on the tissue of horses Hermann Josef Genn, Horse Clinic Mühlen, Germany, (2017)
*BEMER does not provide any medical advice or services. This device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It should not be used for any purpose other than as described in the user manual. Please consult your own healthcare provider if you have any medical issues.